One of the best musical compositions I've ever heard.
One of the best musical compositions I've ever heard.
I don't feel that it's THAT good, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
I cant get enough jazz/spanish guitar.
haha thx :)
Thats what the song is
Thanks =)
Nice Work
Good sound, good work.
It was thu shit(in a good way)
That was great man, all good cept i took some points off of originality cuz it was originally ravens good work man.
lol i got yu, thankz for tha review
Good man
I had to knock of some points on originality, sounds like the beats in some of 50 cents songs(The loud BUM Soudn reminded me of candy shop) also it sounds a little middle eastern and theres a ton of middle eastern beats like this in songs now. Its good just not as original as most songs, I hope to see more from you just try and be a lil more original man. Good job on everything besides that. Oh the intro was bad too.
Yea, ive been tryin to get dr dre style mixed in a lil bit so this is tha by product of at least 3 weekz of all dre beatz. And tha middle eastern feel was kinda wut i was goin for. Thankz for tha review
Grade "A" Hip-hop
keep it pimpin and make more great stuff
Thanks, man. I appreciate that. I'll come out with some more stuff very soon. Look out for it.
Not much else to say keep up the good work!
I'll try, and thanks.
This is my first bad review Im going to write in the audio section. I gotta say this is possiably the worst submission I have found in the hip hop area.And as for the point your trying to make, its really stupid. I dont care if you make beats from a guitar and drums, from a computer, or synthizer, as long it sounds good Im happy. No one cares about what you think, and this song you submited has made you look like a grade "A" fag.
1. I never said this song was good. Infact, during the song I said you should rate this a 0.
2. It's my opinion that elctronic music should be in the electronic section, and rap should be in the hip hop section. You don't have to agree with me. I just spent 5 minutes making my opinions know for this submission.
3. I took a quick look at your posts, and if I may quote you:
"Reviewing is what makes authors happy. Good reviews that is. Trust me it feels great to see a good review,..or even one that said your flash sucked but gave you some helpful comments and constructive criitiscm. What needs to stop is flame reviewing and reviews like "Your gay for making this flash" I personally think people should have a minmum of a 1 week ban from reviwing anything if they flame review."
You flamed reviewed me, offered nothing constructive, and wrote a "you are gay for this submission" review. Your a total hypocrite.
BTW, your gay for making that crappy stick flash crud. You wasted a month on that crap? Man, get a life.
Some Of The Best work I ever heard
Thats the best beat I've heard to date man nice work!
Woo 10th review. thanks for the kind words. I'm really glad you enjoyed the song. Thanks for the review man!
Anyone who takes leveling on NG seriously is a fucking retard. End of story.
Age 35, Male
United States
Joined on 8/11/04